Vocal Range: Soprano
Age: 26
Stage credits: By the Way, Meet Vera Stark (Anna Mae); Ragtime (Sarah), Lorca in a Green Dress (Lorca as a Woman)
Bucket list role(s): One the street urchins (Ronettes) in Little Shop of Horrors , Anyone in Aida, Female Greek Chorus in Hercules the Musical...whenever that becomes a staged production (come on people, any day now!)
What inspired you to be a performer?
I love being a part of anything that's entertaining to the masses. As children, we've all had to participate in a performance or two in one way or another. I remember how nervous I was standing up on stage with all my classmates, getting ready to do a Christmas or talent show of some sort, but how seamless it all was, and afterwards I went home with my happily entertained family and all was well. I realize now that I was very fortunate to have the encouragement of family, friends, and the education system and to be part of a society that really appreciated the arts in different forms and gave opportunities for children to flourish in so many ways. To this day, I can't stay away from entertainment, especially live theater. There's something about seeing someone's raw emotion pouring out that is compelling and thought provoking. I love having the chance to step into that role, to develop an onstage persona, that leaves audiences thinking, laughing, crying, cringing, just feeling something!
Why did you want to be a part of The Soul of Broadway?
I've had a chance to see most of the group members perform outside of our shows and they all have inspired me so much with their dedication and talent! Before I was cast as a member, I worked with Chanel Bragg in Blues in the Night at the Black Theatre Troupe. The caliber of her performance and her track record as a local actress made me immediately value her opinion and when she told me about what she and Mitchell had created, I knew it was a project worth pursuing. My only fear was that I wouldn't make it past the audition and even to this day, I am overwhelmed by the pure talent and genuine friendliness of everyone involved! It's been wonderful to hear the stories about where it all began and to be a part of where it's going!
Why do you think a show like the Soul of Broadway is important?
We provide an experience not often offered to theater goers. It's a wide range of new songs that opens up the audience and encourages them, perhaps, to seek out these shows that aren't necessarily available in town. As a member, I too have been exposed to shows and music that I never could have imagined I'd have the opportunity to perform, outside of the comforts of my own home of course. Additionally, I was not really exposed to many African-American themed shows in college nor to our type of cabaret style as being something that could be openly received and continue to thrive. I have learned so much in my interactions with this group and I think it's important to continue to share that knowledge with others.
Tell me one experience that you’ve had with the show that you won’t forget.
My first show with the group out in Fountain Hills the first time was a thrilling experience. We rehearsed with our musical director and I just remember being in awe at all of the talent in the room. I have a habit of trying to watch shows and performances that I am involved in as if I am also an audience member. My cast members will always find me peeking through curtains or, if i can manage it, up by the booth. So, being a part of this new group, I was worried I'd be found out and reprimanded to get out of the way or stay out of sight. However, that first night of the show, and every night after, I realized my fellow group members loved to watch each other perform just as much as I did! I remember being backstage watching a member onstage sing the house down and looking to my left and right to see the other members listening just as intently! Then, the high-fives, and handshakes, and hugs that ensued after each person did "their thang" not only made me truly feel accepted, but validated the pure amazing nature of the members. The support and love and encouragement given to each other here never ceases to amaze me!
What has been your favorite song or songs to perform? And why?
I really don't have a favorite song yet, I find myself falling in love with each piece of music and I love getting a new challenging piece to perform! I will say, however, that my strong choir background makes me partial to multi-harmonic pieces. There's just something magical about voices coming together to form one beautiful chord that gives me chills every time!
Where do you see yourself as an actress in the next five years?
I'm never sure about this question. There are always so many possibilities out there. I hope I am still performing in different ways, bringing entertainment to people all over! That can be in different forms as well. I love entertainment in all aspects whether that's the music industry, television, movies, the internet. There are so many stories out there just waiting to be told and I love being a part of the telling process. I don't ever know what the future will hold but I always am hopeful that there will be more opportunities to do what we do and then some. :)
Outside of The Soul of Broadway, name one of your favorite roles you’ve played and why?
When I was in high school I played Lady Larken in Once Upon a Mattress and loved it! I had been very used to being part of a choir group and only a soloist on occasion so it was a new challenge for me and I felt like the production team gave and trusted me with an opportunity and I took it and ran. It was a new experience and made me fall in love with being on stage outside of strictly choir shows. I know the question asked for one but I've got two! Additionally, one of my most challenging performances to date was the portrayal of a non-fictional woman in her fight against breast cancer in The Journey: Living Cancer Out Loud. This was a monologue-based show so there was no singing for me to fall back on. It pushed me as a performer to stretch my range and develop skills that have only helped me in the long run. I will be forever honored that I was chosen to represent her as I spoke her honest words about the journey she was on and I am always grateful for each opportunity to perform in that production.
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